Future knives

I have browsed the web for knives I like, checking out their shape. I have found several interesting patterns. At the end of the search, I have free-hand drawn four knife patterns. None of them is copyed, they are more the synthesis of several knives I liked.

Four knives, two of them drawn on a 40mm paper sheet, two of them drawn on a 50mm sheet
 I decided to start out with the 3rd one, the gut hook tye.

Got hook knife, nice curved
This is how it turned out after shaping and sanding.
I have a 3x50mm O-1 steel flat bar, I used for this project.

To be honest, I am a bit concerned about the gut hook, it might be a bit too close to the edge. Hope the edge of it will not owerlap too much with bevel of the knife.
If it will, it might create a weak spot, that can affect the heat treating process - it might bend.

I still need to buy some slim round files for this project, since the hole for the gut hook is only 5mm in diameter.

At this point I only had an angle grinder, and a drill press, but no other power tools. All the shaping after the cut-out was made with hand files.


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